About Us

Give More & Go Further

For the last 19 years of ministry, God has repeatedly called Pastor Michael and his family to give more and go further in their calling to serve His Church. So when God called them out of local church pastoring to launch First Love, they knew they couldn’t say no. Despite the many prayers, it wasn’t easy for them to leave their pastoral assignment. In fact, it was the most difficult choice Michael has ever made. His family loved serving Covenant Church in Ferris, TX. Prayer became everything during the difficult transition.

At the same time, they were full of joyful anticipation! God was giving Michael fresh vision, and Michael knew he had to trust and obey His leading. After all, it wasn’t a calling away from pastoring, it was an increase in influence and a calling to pastor other pastors. 

As a pastor himself, he longs to build lasting relationships with other church leaders. Through the ministry of First Love, his prayer is that pastors would be loved, built-up, healed, and mentored for the purpose of more effectively fulfilling their own callings to reach their communities for Christ!

Meet the Maseks

Michael and Melissa Masek have been married nearly 20 years and have four beautiful children: Alicia, Jaiden, Caleb, and Micah. They have served together in pastoral ministry throughout their entire marriage in both associate and lead pastoral roles. With a bachelor’s degree in Christian Education and a master’s degree in World Missions, Michael is passionate about helping others encounter Christ, discover freedom, and share their story.

The Maseks’ most recent pastorate was at Covenant Church in Ferris, TX. While pastoring there, Michael worked with multiple churches to form a united church fellowship that worked hand-in-hand with first responders, city government, school administrations, and local organizations. With each step of obedience, they saw God open more doors within their community.

Currently, Michael serves as the Founder and President of First Love. In pioneering this new ministry, it is his goal to bring God’s word to pastors and leaders, encouraging the Church to return to the call of their First Love and first works. By forming local fellowships, he hopes to see churches cross lines of division to become solidly united for Christ!

Join 100s of churches across the nation returning to the call of their First Love and first works!